Jun 17, 2022

Combustion produces a large amount of heat, and the movement of hundreds of engine parts raises the temperature further. To keep your engine running safely and efficiently, you need a cooling system. Your radiator is the centerpiece of the cooling system. In the radiator, engine heat is removed and replaced with cooler air. We’d like you to know some of the signs that you need a radiator repair at your Ford Dealer.

Worn Radiator CapFord Service | Madison-VA

The radiator cap fits on the top of your radiator. This cap controls the pressure in the cooling system and prevents coolant from escaping. The cap fits tightly and has two seals for additional support. Strong seals are essential, as the cooling system is filled with fast-moving and highly pressurized liquid. If the pressure in the system rises, the cap opens to relieve the pressure and then closes again.

In time, these seals can crack. A cracked seal will allow pressurized coolant to escape from the radiator. Since coolant is a mix of antifreeze and water, the water in the coolant will cause rust. Rust can quickly eat into your radiator and cause further damage or leaks. A rusted radiator cant is fixed and will have to be replaced.

Coolant Leak

Coolant is pumped continually through your cooling system. It absorbs the heat generated by your engine and removes this heat from the radiator. In the radiator, heat is exchanged for cooler outside air via the radiator grille. If your engine lacks coolant, it will be far more difficult to control the temperature. If your engine overheats, this can result in permanent damage to many sensitive engine components.

Coolant leaks are usually easy to spot, as coolant is pink, green, yellow, or blue. A puddle in any of these colors means there’s a definite leak. The liquid can leak from a crack in the radiator, a hose in a radiator hose, or a worn radiator cap. Regardless of the source of the leak, your engine could be in trouble. Our technicians are experts at repairing radiators, and they will find the cause of the leak.

Damaged Water Pump

A continual flow of coolant is essential for your engine. Once the engine temperature reaches 185 F, coolant is released into your engine. The flow of the coolant is controlled by the water pump. Once the coolant is released into the cooling system, the pump activates and pushes the liquid through the system at high speed.

If the pump fails, coolant will still be released but won’t be able to move. Without the flow of coolant, your engine will rapidly start to overheat. We can easily test the pump and replace it if it’s damaged.

It’s easy to see that you have a radiator problem, as the engine temperature gauge will rise. If the temperature doesn’t start to fall, it’s time to get your radiator checked ASAP. Schedule service at Madison Ford and our Ford-trained technicians will fix it for you.